(9th SDEEP Devlog) Status System

Alright my beautiful queens and absolute kings, I've got bad news and good news. 

Bad news is I got side tracked hyper-focusing on one thing in the game all week. Good news is I think it is a super useful addition to the game. But since it directly impacts the release date of early access I'll write about this update here.

New Status System

Many games you may have played will have an idle image that is always active to show your character's state. This will be super helpful when exploring different events. This will NOT replace your idle echo graph images, rather, these status images are designed to keep track of what state your salvor is in.

That being said, there are a few images for BE and AE that are interchangeable.

Depending on the mission you will be able to level either her top or bottom side independently.

The status image will be placed on the top half of the text area. You can hide it if you want to check a bit further back in the conversation.

Her default levels will be 1. This is a gameplay image of a level 0 chest with a level 2 ass. Still playing around with the shapes and sizes of some of the body levels, but you get the idea.

Release Date

This marks the first solidification of the amount of content that will be released for the Early Access version (EA).

The current planned release date for EA will be some time this month (June).

As for the direction of the content, there are a lot of mechanics I didn't originally plan for that are important to the earliest parts of the game in terms of story. 

What this means is the first EA release will be heavily focused on mechanics and mechanical art/mechanic based events (i.e. underwater scenes, BE/AE events). The second EA release will focus more on story and unique events (i.e. clothing changes/sex scenes).

Other Stuff

Discord News: I posted an image on the "dev-notes" channel compiling all of the previous information relevant to the game on the discord server: https://discord.gg/bvdUTeh93a . I hope this will get new people a bit more on the same page with suggestions but I always welcome suggestions/thought experiments that conflict with the current info. I'm excited to make this game better, and challenging the existing ideas has always been the most reliable way of doing so.

Steam news... they rejected my build 3 times now and despite me asking twice they have not clarified as to why. Curse of Dares got through though. 


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so excited for the EA

Glad you're hyped! ๐Ÿ™

Nice! Looking forward to this!

Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Is there a function that disables certain content?

Certain effects like shrinking the chest to lvl 0 will be needed to get to certain areas (i.e. fitting through doors), but most content will be avoidable. 

You'll usually be given context about what is going to happen before it happens so you can choose to continue with it or avoid it.

I can hardly wait!

Glad you're liking it O1!

that's quite the pain on Steam there... but itch just refuse my card, as "not internationally enough" (i just made the reason myself)
now... idea time...

  • have an immersive setting that changes her speed based on her body
  • make some traps that transforms her, and maybe even alter her movement (Eg: fish/mermaid would have a hard time moving on land, but fast af when submerged (>:D time to give suffering to our salvor)). maybe some of them only activate on special conditions, like to make her matter worse
  • alternatively, an unremovable 'high-tech' suit, that everything around her can mess up with >:D in order to maximize suffering damage
  • also, if you do the later one.... customization time... (and here comes drawing part, which is a pain to me  T-T )

well, only the first one will get to be in EA and release, while the rest have to wait for sure

Ooooh interesting idea with the immersive setting, I'll look into that.


i just thought that "hm... how the heck can she still run with the same speed while carrying all those extra weight. unless either she's buffed, or those doesnt even weight a gram" and the immersive speed comes to mind :D

  • Traps, again, but this time, it jams or mess with our system (like shutting off radar) while it does its own things (your choice) >:D maximum emotional and suffering damage
  • special augments (or whatever fits into this game) with some special pros and cons >:D
  • More immersive setting i guess

idk if there's already similar ideas (even if i know, i forgot :D )


im glad to see that the chest we see in the demo isnt the starting chest lol, is it just gonna be 3 levels like in the previous game? i think that was 3 level limit for BE.

Hey chef! Chest size in the demo will be the default for the character, BUT there will be a lot of opportunities to find things that will shrink her chest size. Like in the demo she can't fit through the door, but if you shrink her, she'll be able to get through and search in there.

As for the levels, 0-3 are going to be the main ones, but there will be a couple of exceptions later on. 

ahh okay, sorry if you already answered this but what level is the starting chest then?

Level 1, I'll go ahead and add that into the devlog as well. ๐Ÿ‘