v0.6 Release

(Just a heads up I've been working on this version up until very recently so the file is in the midst of being verified.)

- Bug hiding multi debris under floor
- Bug preventing certain people from re-interacting with dives

I'll split this into 2 parts:

1. Now

Patch Notes


- 10 New levels! 

- 20 New Event Images!

- 20 More Image variations!

- There is an option to change your name in the 'Home' area (just in case you want to goof around with what they call you.)

- Mechanic: Other salvors! Time to work together and keep her out of any trouble! I'll be counting on you to make sure she doesn't get surrounded!

- Dating events for the salvor: When you acquire enough dating topics by doing missions and interactions you can spend 4$ to interact with her outside of missions. This will gain her food, some unique situations, and stats.

- New tip convos.

- Tutorials now have pictures.

- A new 'running shoes' equipment modifier is available in the shop.

- A 'skip text' button is now available for conversations that cannot be ignored or halt salvor movement.

- Many more small environment and ambient sounds have been added to old and new levels once you do certain things.

- Gallery mode now stores the top and bottom sizes of the salvor. A placeholder level will now be attached to all legacy images in your gallery. All new images found from now on will be given a Top level and Bottom level. (If you have legacy images then your numbers will increase over the gallery H-scene limit.)


- Explorer gear now slows walk speed by 5% instead of 10%.

- To compete with running shoes, the backpack now has a flat speed bonus as well.

- To support larger levels, the salvor now has a 25% slower acceleration rate but a 30% faster maximum run speed.

- Reworked a few images.


- A game exit button in the options menu

- Changed the shading on many of the non-status H-Scenes to a pattern that looks better on smaller monitors.

- There is now a toggle button in the options menu to run the game while in the background.

- There is now a fullscreen toggle button

- The home gallery now displays a counter showing how many images you have found as well as all available images to find.

- The home area now displays whether or not there are remaining areas.

- 29 timed actions are no longer frame-rate dependant.

- The following interactions no longer interrupt conversations:
   - Equipment
   - Treasure
   - Food
   - Doors
   - Trash
   - And a few other new mechanics (Interactions like these will be written in gray.)


- Most post-mission dialog now only occurs once.

- Screen effects properly stays off when reloading the game. (After saving)

- Equipment now properly maxes at 10

- Changed certain areas in a few existing levels

- Fixed a bug causing the game to soft lock during certain post-mission conversations

- (Unstable Fix) All diving spots should now have a general reusable re-dive interaction until success.

- (Unstable Fix) Small fix for potential situations where she enters a mission over level 1

- (Removed) Emergency backout button has been removed. This previously caused bugs with other mechanics and will cause plenty more with some of the new ones.

STEAM Users: Because the review process is taking so much longer than I thought it would I'll be attaching a steam key to purchases of this version.

2. Later

With a major update out of the way, the allocation banner changes as well:

Some things about SDEEP v1.0
- Progress reports won't be happening this time around, based on community feedback I feel like they ended up making the update feel even longer than it was.
- I'm announcing the release date for v1.0 as May 1st. If you catch anyone asking when the next update will be out feel free to tell them this.

There will be several things coming out alongside v1.0 including:
- Server Rework: The roles, rules, and channels will be revised or removed to streamline the server more toward a 'community creation' platform.
- The next project will be announced with a screenshot showing an early build as well as a showcase of the artstyle.
- Another thing I may do in between

Furthermore, after v1.0's release, I will be shifting focus to CDares which will be getting an update + a bonus for the time that people have been waiting.

Get Salvor DEEP

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more


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How to get "istn that neat" scene?  And an idea for next update make em "cuminflation" for exemple when other salvor ... like 3 times salvor will inflate

In order to get that scene you have to copy the numbers in the last level radio and paste them in the name change area at home.

Good idea! I'll add that in for the new enemies in the next update.

May i be as bold and perhaps a bit rude to say this:

I believe you should have Salvor DEEP embrace the oblivious MMC (Male Main Character) with the NTR approach. Considering you have gone the Kind-of-NTR direction already. As i noticed people, especially your Discord, being conflicted with each other and the direction of Situational/Taste (i am using DLSite filter terminology) NTR content. Been trying to pay attention on your Discord Server and the Salvor-DEEP channel, but man, they talk A LOT, sometimes about the weird water creature on a fairly long basis.

Yes. I know it is not ACTUALLY NTR. You are not truly in a relationship with Salvor Babe, but you still date her at some point. Yes, i know you use Echo Graph to see what is happening, but how i think of it, based on MMCs reactions, does not see or barely see something but no idea what, on the Echo Graph. Unless i am missing something here or confusing myself...

It is not healthy when your Customers and Fans become conflicted with your Content, and they start to do their whole "Rabble" thing over not clearly defined Situation/Taste direction.

Please do not take this poorly. I am only a bit worried with how bothered they are by this and have been talking also on F95 Thread of this game. Not that F95 is something as trustworthy as your own Discord where most likely actual paying customers are on. But even so...

Take care!


I see, noted. Thanks for the heads up on the F95 thread as well! Take care

(3 edits) (+1)

Very impressed with the update compared to before, on top of the unique setting this H game provides. The pictures we get are pretty hot, and there’s some variety in the fetishes which is great to see. It’s very much going to be an epic H game compared to a lot of others if it keeps this pace!

I would suggest for additional information to display during and/or outside of the sexual encounters to help people fap to these scenes. A status window transparency, or perhaps of an X-ray of her womb would be a great addition, especially during penetrative sex or afterwards to see semen quantity inside her. Future enemies that could be added like alien-esk creatures, amphibian the deep ones, or insectoids/beasts that commit to egg laying or fertilization would benefit from an X-ray information panel as well. Additional minor polaroid’s during repeat sexual encounters would also add a fair bit of motivation to continue finding the same scenes game in new places. I’m enthusiastic for the future of this H game development! I recommend a price increase in the future.


Thank you!
I'll make sure to write these suggestions down as well, I'll see if I can fit anything before the next update.

Yea I feel like the current price is a bit of a miscalculation on my end. 😅Atleast for now I'll keep it.


I honestly do not mind the price increase, if Salvor DEEP gets at least two big updates, with lots of content. I may be willing to shuffle more money at you if the content is expanded a lot further.

Also. I personally do not mind the NTR Content, but that might be me. I think it fits with the system you got right now. Hence, my thoughts on the Dickgirl you find at Sinking Cave, that i wrote previously about.

I very much enjoy Salvor DEEP currently! This game is quite unique and refreshing! There really is not many H-Titles i fancy at all. Those happens to be extremely rare to me, and this game hits my Favorite list. One other example being Devolution that is one of favorites.

Thanks for this game, once again! Take care!


Also that scene where she’s laying in the pool and the guy is molesting her, I wish he would have nailed her there too, lol. It’s a good scene, lots of chikan style lewd scenarios are always fun to see advance in stages. Keep up the good work!

What does the dubious creature do?
It followed me around, I led it to the other fish in the room, I saw it after getting stung twice and ate balloon shrooms... I'm not sure if I'm missing something here...


Nothing yet sorry, I was just throwing it in as a joke, possibly something in the future though!


Apparently. There is some weirdos in the Discord Server for Delusria, does some gifs or pictures that says "The Endless". The creature is called something Ana-something something. I cannot recall.

It is some sort of small water creature, that has two weird tentacles as hands to interact with stuff and look kinda like a very evolved trillobite, almost.

That is all i know of it. I did not bother to research it. Hope that answers your question, even if limited.

Take care!


These are just some thoughts and ideas. Feel free to disagree, ignore, agree or whatever. Really like this Game so far! Hopefully, there will be so much more to come!!!


I noticed that the Dickgirl in the Sinking Cave is fairly well detailed, and looks like a possible recurring Character. We did not see her face. but i thought it was done on purpose to preview her, least that is how i think.

It would be pretty great if the Dickgirl was a potential Recruitable and acted as a 3-man Character. Strong, aggressive and extremely virile. A reliable Ally but a bully, considering her demeanor in the Sinking Cave. And having infinite stamina, as she keeps banging the girls and Salvor Babe with very short pauses sometimes.

Perhaps like her story being that the Dickgirl is a very well known and reliable Solo-Salvor. No one knows anything about her, other than she helps others and guides them, especially females. No one but only other females knows she is a Dickgirl, as she seems to have some enjoyment of oblivious guys thinking she is just another girl, a pretty toned one too. The Dickgirl has strong preference towards banging girls already in a Relationship. Whether it is Fiances, Girlfriends or Wives. And bloating her victims and knocking them up a lot. This directly connecting to the "NTR Content" path entirely.

Perhaps even becoming bigger, more virile as she and Salvor Babe come across mysterious plants that can only be found in Darkened Maps and somewhat secretly put in a deep water area, that you have to get very close to, in order to find the entrance to the Secret Area.

The Girls that come across Dickgirl shows no resistance and willingly submits to her.

The Dickgirl once recruited to help you out. Will be groping, harassing and banging your Salvor Babe. Perhaps even Tish, once you get close enough to Tish, and after she is introduced to your Dickgirl companion. Additionally, the Dickgirl will be banging other girls too, whenever given the chance.

Also. I think we should have a name for Salvor Babe and of course, the Dickgirl, if you would ever have her as a Permanent Character in the game. I find it strange to call Salvor Babe just "Her", especially after you date her 2-3 times, and she tells you her name and asks you to call her by that, closing your relationship with her. Considering what Tish tells you, that Salvors and their Bosses can have Relationships and Families.

Ok. I believe i am done. Thanks for this game! Looking forward to more, once again! Take care!


Sorry about the late reply, I seemed to have missed a day. 

Don't tell anyone else this but I think you're right on the money with that assumption about the Dickgirl in the second paragraph.

As for the rest of the comment, a permanent bonus salvor would be a really cool idea! With her own strengths, downsides, and paygrade it would be an interesting way to have an use for all the extra money.

Thank you! 😊


It is fine! At least i got a reply!

Thank you for this information. Things may get very interesting, later on, then. To me, it just makes sense, considering the Dickgirl is a Solo-Salvor but kind of more like a Mercenary that always gets the job done, but also has her own agenda and prefers to live without any attachments, besides her Submarine and enjoy her life in the Depths with other Female "Salvors", hehe.

Additionally. I had a thought that the Dickgirl has her own Haven, if she is gonna be a Permanent actual Character. The place where everything she gathers of interest, artifacts and etc is where it is placed and stored. Her own Home, basically. But also a place where the cheating Females can come to get banged. No one else knows of the place and the information is only shared with the females desiring a proper dicking. Everyone has their own home, me thinks. Just some thoughts.

I notice that a lot of people in the Discord wants their own fetishes and stuff in the game. Personally, i just want what you are making, not what others want. I am not here for them. I am here for Delusria's Salvor DEEP.

Hopefully, you are not finished with the game after 1.0. I see so much joy and potential in this one. I do not mean to develop it forever. But perhaps like 8-10 massive updates, perhaps then i am satisfied. Enjoying Salvor DEEP far too much. Consider me greedy, when it comes to things i enjoy and favoritise.

Think i will stop there. Thank you for the reply! Take care!

(2 edits)


First of all want to say amazing work on this update, excellent job on the subtle animations and all of the new different pieces of art, they all look great! The mechanics to need to get certain items to access certain areas/events like the fish and the plants with needing the milk and needing to deactivate the relay are great touches to add variation to the flow. I just got a few questions ^^

- During some of the "Dates" with the Savlor and Dispatcher, near the end she says something along the lines of "I forgot to tell you something I was thinking of, maybe it'll come up tonight". [Can't remember the exact quote haha]. Is this just a placeholder or does it actually convey something? I wasn't sure whether or not it was a line that occurred due to the interactions with some of the NTRish scenes.
- And on that, does interacting with those NTRish scenes or not change anything really overall/in the long run?

- Also, is it possible to get every variation of sizes with every interaction at this moment in time? Absolutely no worries if not, just something I wanted to know, I haven't went and replayed through all of the levels yet.

- Something I have just found, during the "Hub Cave" level I had 3 other salvors around but 1 increased bottom size, but on the echo graph only 1 other salvor would appear. Don't know if this is a bug or intentional for the artwork purposes. [Have a quick video if needed to show]

- Another bug was during the female aggressive salvor mission, I believe I was on max food, [I could be incorrect] and I interacted with the milk plant and it spammed the message and noise 5+ times, basically on each frame. This was after being interacted with a few times by the female salvor.

Sorry for the massive comment! Just want to show my appreciation for the game, and am happy to help looking for bugs and such to try and flesh them out. Thanks again for this great update :D


I can say for the first part I don't think its has nothing to do with the NTRish interactions because once you progress more on the dates she finally says what she forgot.

Ohh got it, sorry. I'm on like day 29 and I've completed all the levels up until the update at least once each and I haven't done more replays of it yet, so if it comes up after that point then fair enough. Thank you!

Could I know what did she say? I did all the dates but I think Im missing one, go out option its blacked out tho so I guess theres no more and I dont remember what she said...

Sorry about the late reply, I seemed to have missed a day. 

Patch is out with most of those bugs fixed! 

'I forgot to tell you something I was thinking of, maybe it'll come up tonight' is just one of the randomized endings, the idea being you still have remaining dates.

And thank you! Detailed bug reports like these make bug-testing much easier.

There seems to be an issue with the aphrodisiac clouds on my end, where it constantly activates and deactivates as you touch it, allowing you to have the effect enabled if it happened to have toggled on as you left the area.

I am guessing it is intended to only be affected when you're actually in the cloud.

Great update though, roughly half way through if I had to estimate, looking forward to what comes next :D

Sorry about the late reply, I seemed to have missed a day. 

I'll look into the problem, and thank you! 😊

bought this after enjoying the demo which ran on steam deck but v0.6 wont run on the deck. Any ideas?

Apologies, I don't know anything about steam deck. Maybe the steam version of the game will have a better time running on it once I get it released over there though. 

Buying this version will come with a steam key? I have been waiting to buy it on Steam, so I really appreciate it

Indeed! I didn't want steam users to possibly have to wait another month. 😅

Does this update have ntr? I've been waiting for it since I bought it xd

While there isn't strict NTR the debates in the discord qualified certain images in the update as NTR. The more extreme versions will be further in the game at v1.0 though.

Im curious tho, with that "extreme version" do you mean like HARD ntr where dispatch and salvor are dating and she does it willingly, or just rape? because if its rape and she doesnt enjoy it I feel like it shouldnt be NTR even if theyre a couple. I say this as someone that doesn't really get bothered by NTR but doesn't like it either (I play with NTR off).

Also sidenote, you plan on adding Tish scenes with Dispatch and Salvor with Dispatch? maybe making Dispatch get on the pod with Salvor and have sex (Tish could be the dispatch during that level).

Good question! I actually didn't think about it that way, I meant more extreme as in rape, so if you view NTR as strictly consensual cheating then it would be less extreme. 

And certainly, Tish will have a larger presence and Salvor x Dispatch will have a closer connection in v1.0 . 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the reply BTW, to be honest, if its full Rape (non consensual she doesnt like it) For example tentacle scene, it shouldnt really be considered NTR and therefore not in the "NTR toggle" thingy, but I also feel that it would be wise to put those scenes included as "NTRish" just in case some people get mad because of it, just suggestions tho! 

I love the game and Ill wait eagerly for 1.0. Also, consider adding more cum CGs and possible impregnation please! that would make me and most likely a lot of people happy.


Thank you so much for buffing the salvor's speed! Can't wait to enjoy the new content. Cheers!


You're welcome! 😊