Progress Report v0.6 (Part 1/3)


I've split development into 3 parts:

- (DONE) +10 Maps (+New Mechanics)

- (NEXT) Dialog (+Bug Fixes)

- Art (+Translations, +Variations/Reworks)

To give this report a little substance I would like to slightly reveal one of the more easily missable mechanics. Salvor dates! 

These are going to be small conversations that you will 'collect' throughout exploring the levels. These conversations will go over situations that happened in levels as well as personal information between you (i.e. your history/interactions with other characters) and your salvor (i.e. her favorite food, previous jobs) that otherwise typically wouldn't fit in a level. 

You do not have to go through these date events in order to get new scenes. However, these date events will provide small bonuses for your salvor including food, further text events, and possible hints for more obscure events.  These will be accessible by a pink button which will activate in the home area. 

Aside from that there's not much for me to reveal at the moment. I'll probably end up showing a bit more around the time the One Week Check-In is announced.

Steam Build Plan

By Steam's parameters, v0.6 should be good enough to get a store page on Steam as Early Access. I'll announce if the game's store page is approved in a future progress report.

Mac Build Problems

A couple of problems surfaced for the Mac build specifically. Since I don't have a means for testing Mac builds I'll be relying on you to report any problems that you may believe to be unique to the Mac builds.

- The first is the "throw it in the trash" problem. This one has simultaneously impacted both CDares and SDEEP so I put in a work-around for both of them as instructions during the purchase. 

- The second is the unopenable problem that was caused by the translation additions in v0.33. Because of this Mac v0.33 has been disabled. If any Mac users are willing to test a new version of the game let me know. I'll ask again later if I'm still low on users by the time Progress Report 3/3 is announced.

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I'm a Mac user who's willing to test the new version of the game! If it's a free thing, I can do it immediately, and if I have to pay for it still, I can do it by Friday! Working on Mac OS Ventura 13.6.9, for reference.


Perfect! The test builds will be free, and most likely testing will start sometime around report 3/3 (maybe before).  I'll send you the build once I get it set up. 

Will saves carry over to the new version? Either way great game!

There was a problem with the oldest versions not carrying over the save, but if your save works on [or was carried over to] versions 0.32 and 0.33 successfully then it should be working with the next version. ๐Ÿ‘

Thank you!

Lovely to see this type of idea being implemented! Can't wait to see what it brings ^^


Glad you like it! ๐Ÿ™ Hoping it will work out well

I love that there will be more chance to interact with her... Great work... By the way: Marco...

Polo ๐Ÿ˜

The "Work Allocation" splash for the profile is just perfect. "0% of my effort is going there, please don't @ me."


Yeeeaa lol, people were getting curious about the time frame for when I was going to finish gallery mode in CDares.  Had to give them the Soon™

Amazing work as always del!

Thank you for your support as always Attilla! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™