Hotfix v0.61

Thank you for all of your feedback, fortunately, the biggest problem reported in this update is the easiest to fix!

First, the Hub Cave problem.

Flooding is unintuitive, certain levels [currently only Hub Cave] will flood at random, changing the floors, loot, and local salvors. 

In order to complete the Hub Cave's scenes you must enter it while it is flooded, however, this is unreasonably rare. Locking H-Scenes behind this rarity makes things a grind. But certain levels will be gaining flooded variations moving forward so I'll keep this level as a flood mechanic tutorial of sorts. That being said the chances of the flood are going to increase from 10% to 50%. On average it will flood twice while you are clearing up to the jammer level. As an offset, the flood chance only activates after you visit the level once. 

Lastly, the empty 'stuck in debris' event will be outside of the 'multi debris' when not flooded, this way you can get 1 event per visit. Furthermore, I want to say locking H-Scenes behind flooded levels will not be a common occurrence. There are currently no plans to do so.

Now for the rest of the fixes:

- The following futa salvor now stops when your salvor interacts with the pod.

- Fixed rapid clicking milk plant causing multiple food to be gained.

- Static during end screen now properly hides.

- Gallery now checks for identical texts to count in order to ignore variations.

- Incorrect nearby salvor count now fixed for extended ass sizes.

- Re-designed the entrance to the center area jammer in order to make it more difficult to miss while traveling through static.

- Fixed a bug preventing dives in flood way upon re-entering the mission.

- NTRish Scenes toggle button is now at 15% opacity when off.

- Map nodes now properly count repeat images.

The Fanart section now properly expands to its full list at all times.
- Another picture was added to the list.

There is also a .txt file containing a list of URLs of sounds that were used in the game.

Also certain dubious little creature now does slightly more.

The two hotfixes that were previously in effect:
- Bug hiding multi debris under floor.
- Bug preventing certain people from re-interacting with dives.

I'll keep the previous v0.6 just in case there are any major regressions.

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(1 edit) (+1)

I've just listed a few bugs if you're interested:

  1. When the game starts for the first time, there's no event where you create your account and chat with the salvor for the first time. You have to make the game save to be able to reset. I think this happens because the game has to look for data (which doesn't exist initially) in “...\LocalLow\Delusria\Salvor DEEP”. So it creates an empty save from scratch with a generic player name. This isn't very annoying when you know how to get around it, but a new player might not have seen the opening cinematic.
  2. At the start, the first mission (risen submarine wreck) appears at the same time as the second mission (small cave), which is in “new”. You understand that you have to launch the submarine first, so it's not very impactful.
  3. I think there's some confusion in the order of appearance of certain missions. “Private mansion” appears at the same time (or before) as the first mission where we meet the other salvors (Collapsed Machine Station, I think). In the mansion, we meet a salvor, but she has no reaction to this as her first encounter is on the other mission. Same thing, not much impact when you know it.
  4. There's one kind of big fish in the old camping cave, no interraction is possible with it. It would be nice to have a little text or dialogue when the salvor sees it or clicks on it. Not very important, but I don't know if you intended to do something with it, if it's an oversight or if it's not important.
  5. In the gallery, missing CGs where she walks with 1 or X other salvor.
  6. On the “dying sea glider” level, it's easy to softblock. On my side, 6 other salvors have spawned. So if you catch 4, there are only two left. This can make it impossible to open blocked areas that require 3.  Don't know if this is intended.
  7. If the salvor is being followed by others and you have the NTR off, there's always the CG (which looks a bit NTRish) where they touch her all over. Also, it might be cool to have a little text in place of the GB scene if it's disabled. To justify the guys letting her go.

Frankly, the game is really good. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. The level design is well done, I wasn't bored from one level to the next, it's quite diversified. The atmosphere is very cool, you feel like you're in it and you can't get out.

The dates are nice, and I can't wait to see how the inter-character relationships develop. The interactions are well written, and it feels like there's going to be some good drama between Tish and the Salvor.

I haven't yet tested a run without NTR, so I'm saving that for later, but I hope that by deactivating it in the options, we'll be able to have different conversations on dates in the future (maybe different cg at the end?). I've got a feeling about where the salvor lives, so I hope it won't involve forced NTR, but either way, the game looks great.

I noticed there was no representation of post intercourse fluids on the salvor portrait, that might be a nice thing to add. And adding more ways to deal with other salvors (than just sitting on them) could be interesting (for example, she becomes corrupted and deals with them directly without boost).

Can't wait to see the next update, if you release a steam version I'll take it too. The game is not expensive and you should raise the price when you have more content. Definitely send you a tip on itch in the meantime. Take it easy and have a good week!

I'll check these out in game:
1. Great catch there! Failing to load the game now saves a new game to make sure the reload has an intro.
2. Done
3. This one is interesting, I checked it out again and it seems she says 'I hear something... friends?' let me know if there is a better first contact line that you know of somewhere else that would make more sense in the mansion or if you ran into a bug that prevented you from seeing that line I mentioned earlier. Ultimately, I could move the mansion down under the first interaction.
4. Old camping cave has two fish that should both be catchable, if you were referring to the collapsed machine station the one in the corner should now be feedable in the new patch.
5. I'll add those in as well. 
6. This is intended. However, I think a good fix for the sea glider would be to add an extra salvor.
7. I'll look into that possibility.

Thank you! I've got a couple ideas for each of these mechanics to push them a bit further so I hope that keeps it fresh for the last 8.

These are some great things to find btw, many of which my beta testers couldn't. If you would like to help test the next update let me know. 👍

(2 edits) (+1)

3. It might make more sense to move it that way. I did see the line 'I hear something... friends?', but as the first real interaction with other salvors is on the other mission, I think it would make more sense to have it appear right after.

4. I've got the wrong mission, it's the “Collapsed Machine Station” I'm talking about the big fish at the bottom of the left cavern. I couldn't catch it yesterday (I tried several ways), but I just caught it testing. I'm not sure why, but it seems difficult to catch, despite the fact that it follows the salvor. I thought it wasn't catchable at all yesterday.

6. If you want to, you don't necessarily need a fix. It's a good idea, you get screwed the first time and it forces you to redo the level carefully. You just need to make the player understand in advance that having too many Salvors following is no good.You could say to your salvor something like “Be careful not to get too many colleagues around you, they could prevent you from working properly”.

7. By adding a few lines of dialog specific to a run where NTR is avoided, I think you could calm people who get upset about it (some alternatives lines on dates for example). Instead of simply removing CGs as an option, offering “drill” type equipment to pierce barricades on doors that require several salvors could force players to play well to get through an NTR free run. It would force them to play sneaky (which could be fun).  Personally, I don't mind if there's NTR, I think it could add a bit of spice and drama to the game, but offering the possibility of avoiding it if you're good and reward you for doing so would probably give the game a bonus lifespan.

I'd be happy to lend a hand on the next update if there's room :)

Really loved this update. Everything is on all cylinders. Love the lite NTR scenes. Writing is chefs kiss too.

Where did you get your inspiration for gameplay? Its really unique and just fun to play on its own. Got a great mix of point and click, character building, and atmosphere.

Glad you enjoyed it! 😊

I got the idea while playing a game called 'Deadnaut: Signal Lost' 

I thought it would be cool to talk to your character while she explores.

Cool, definitely will check that game out. 
Not sure if you have played World of Horror but the dittering and vibe really reminds me of this. Even without the horny, you really hit on a great trifecta. Art, writing, and gameplay really inform eachother and makes such a fun play

I haven't played it but I've certainly seen it many times, I love the artstyle.

I'm happy you like the story as well! I feel like that's my weakest part. 😅

Oh man I thought for sure you were gonna say inspired by 'Duskers' but Deadnaut seems cool and I haven't even heard of it.
Absolutely love this stuff keep up the great work!

Duskers is a cool one too, I often saw it compared to Deadnaut, I've been meaning to check that game out actually. 😅

And thank you!

What's NTR scenes anyway?

Overcapacity, Overheat with salvor, Stuck in debris 2, 4th was a counted variation piece.

(2 edits)

Hey Del, quick question. Ive seen some people talk a lot about NTRish scenes. You plan on revaping the NTR toggle to include more scenes? Futa and pool to be exact, I saw some people talking about how those can be seen as NTR since its other salvors and it isnt light groping. In my case, if we have NTR off, groping isnt seen as NTR, but a Salvor hovering his cock above our Salvor when she clearly pushed him away the first time, is considered NTR (I suggest that when we push him the first time with NTR off, he doesnt come back again).

It would be nice to see a little overhaul on what is considered in the NTR toggle and what isn't when 1.0 launches (since we will probably have monsters and more salvors). I think its a good thing to have in mind to avoid people getting mad about it. (Yeah, monsters could be seen as NTR too from what I saw).

If you don't want your Salvor to have sex or touched (im talking about pool scene when I say touched, not groping) you can just turn off NTR and play the game. There's a lot of good scenes that dont include salvors or monsters.


I see, I'll consider light/heavy groping with the list now


Thanks for listening to everyone's opinion and taking them in mind! I know its not easy to do... thats why we appreciate your work.

(1 edit)

When you say "Dubious Little Creature", are you talking about the.... "dog".... or do I have more exploring to do?

where is this dog?


Indeed! I think.


That was quick! Thanks for always working so hard, time to dive in again.


You're welcome! Hope that fixes the bulk of it while I start on the next update.