1 Week Check-In (Translation patch on the 27th)

Just an FYI these are not patch notes for an update, this is just to explain what I've been doing this last month.

First off I want to apologize that the last update was 42 days ago. I definitely did not plan for translation implementation to take this long. Because of this big gap, I wanted to give this as a 1-week notice before the next update.

There is good news to this though, even though the translation implementation I've been working on took about 20 days, (15 days longer than I expected.) I've spent the last 20 days automating the entire system. The current translation system now takes in text documents, breaks them up, and places them in each conversation automatically. 

Not only will this automation patch speed up every future update by about 30% for Salvor DEEP (depending on how much dialog is used), but it ALSO speeds up every future project as well.  The BIGGEST [planned] frontloaded expense of time in Delusria is now over. Now that the future content updates no longer have to worry about translations I can update much faster.  Assuming there are no bugs in the translation function of course, but I've been testing for bugs for the last day or two making sure it works, and for this following week I'll have a couple of my active translators test for bugs as well.

Just to reiterate from the title, the translation patch v0.33 will be planned for the 27th, and along with this will be a few additions (including variation art and bug fixes). There are a few more additions that I did not plan on doing, but they should be ready for the next update as well, those will be mentioned in the actual patch notes. 

Alternative art took the least amount of time.  Luckily it's the only one that will need to be done before every update.

As I work on polishing everything this next week I'll be focusing on making sure that the big 3 (translations, bugfixes, and variations) won't cause delays in the future updates.

In other words, updates are projected to increase in the future.

Thank you for your patience. ๐Ÿ™

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if i buy the game at the current state will I still be able to play the new releases

Correct! You will be able to access all future updates as well as any free updates that happen after the full game is released.

Hey man i really love this game. Its so diffrent then the others which is very rare to see.  You  can really see by this post that you do put a lot of work in this. Its really refreshing to see   a game  like this .  And im really happy for you, trying to make something new and original. Great work!

Glad you like it! I hope to give this concept the justice it deserves, especially in future updates. 

And thank you! I appreciate your kind words. ๐Ÿ™






Will there be Chinese?


Yes! Simplified Chinese will be available on the new version. ๐Ÿ‘




Code taking longer to write than expected? Impossible!


Right?! It feels like the more extra time I budget the more time it ends up taking.






This game so far is another work of art from another hard working artist. Take all the time you need my man, anything good is not made over any short amount of time. Especially something as unique and all around awesome as this. Thanks for keeping us posted.


Thanks VoidBomb, I appreciate it! ๐Ÿ˜ŠI hope to do it justice.